Recommended Reading
Inside the Admissions Committee: What Really Happens
Ever wonder what goes on behind closed doors in the admissions committee? Get an inside look at the decision-making process.
How to Nail a Virtual College Fair
Exhibition size college fairs are on pause, but you can still attend a virtual college fair. Learn to prepare for it for your next event.
What Happens After Submitting the Application?
Learn how demonstrated interest can help your plea for college admissions after submitting the application. Try these strategies today.
7 Summer Activities that Impress Colleges
Don't sit around this summer. Read this article for ways to stay busy doing activities that impress colleges. I discuss 7 things you can do this summer.
Tools to Get Ready for College
This post reviews all the things to do and prepare as you get ready for college. From researching schools, building a list, and applying.
Everything You Need to Know About Being Deferred or Waitlisted
Deferred from college? What it means, why it happened, and what to do next to maximize your chances for admission into your dream college.