The purpose of this detailed listing of New Mexico scholarships for college is to help you plan your scholarship search throughout the year. Please find information below about scholarships specifically for New Mexico students. Some of the deadlines may be from prior years. Scholarship deadlines are cyclical, so even if a deadline has passed, the website will likely be updated for the current school year. Be sure to reach out to the sponsor or check sponsor websites for the most recent details.

Built Ford Tough awards $1,000 to an individual who is in their fourth year of high school or is in college, who intends on acquiring an associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree, or technical certificate/degree from a higher educational institution, who is a member of the Future Farmers of America (FFA), and who has acquired the signature from a Ford Dealer. The deadline is January 9th Read more here.
NMASBO awards six $1,500 scholarships to deserving New Mexico high school seniors across the state every year. All the regional applicants must demonstrate to the committee financial need and purpose for the scholarship. The deadline to apply is January 31st. Read more here.
This provides $1,000 to fourth year high school students that intend to major in any area of agriculture at a higher educational institution, that have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, that live in one of 14 states including New Mexico, that have engaged in various activities to help their community, and that are members of the Future Farmers of America. The deadline to apply is January 9th. Read more here.
This provides $1,500 to fourth year high school students that intend to obtain a bachelor’s degree in one of three areas of study at a higher educational institution, that have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, that live in one of 25 states including New Mexico, and that are members of the Future Farmers of America. The deadline to apply is January 9th. Learn more here.
This provides $2,000 to an individual who is a fourth year high school student or in college, who intends on obtaining an associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree, or technical certificate/degree from a higher educational institution, who requires financial assistance to continue their educational career, and who is a member of the Future Farmers of America. The deadline to apply is January 9th. Read more here.
This provides $1,000 to an individual who is a fourth year high school student or in college, who intends on obtaining a bachelor’s degree in agriculture from a higher educational institution, who identifies as male, who will be going to an educational institution that has an Alpha Gamma Rho chapter, who demonstrates qualities that align with a leader, and who is a member of the Future Farmers of America. The deadline to apply is January 9th. Read more here.
This provides $5,000 to an individual who intends on obtaining a bachelor’s degree from a higher educational institution and plans on studying a major related to agriculture, who would identify as disabled or handicapped, and who is a member of the Future Farmers of America. The deadline to apply is January 9th. Read more here.
This provides $1,000 to an individual who is a fourth year high school student or in college, who intends on obtaining an associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree, or technical certificate/degree from a higher educational institution in one of five field of studies, who has a GPA that is a 3.0 or higher, who lives in the United States, and who is a member of the Future Farmers of America. The deadline to apply is January 9th. Read more here.
This provides $1,000 to to an individual who is a fourth year high school student or in college, who intends on obtaining an associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree, or technical certificate/degree from a higher educational institution in one of four majors, and who is a member of the Future Farmers of America. The deadline to apply is January 9th. Read more here.
12th Annual Joni Heinsohn Memorial Scholarship for $1,500. The recipient of this scholarship shall be a reflection of Joni’s overall commitment to always achieving excellence in everything she did. This is open to New Mexico high school seniors. The deadline is January 31st. Learn more here.
This is given to individuals that have participated in 1 of 24 activities specified by the NMAA, that are fourth year high school students, that participated in those specified activities from their second year of high school onward, and that plan on attending a higher educational institution. The deadline to apply is February 1st. Read more here.
This is for $1,000. Applicants must have participated in a NMAA sanctioned sports: Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Football, Golf, Soccer, Softball, Spirit, Swimming/Diving, Tennis, Track & Field, Volleyball, and Wrestling. Candidates must be a participant within a small school (Class A-2A), be a graduating senior who actively participated in three or more NMAA sanctioned sports during their junior and/or senior year, and have a GPA of at least 3.0.The deadline is February 1st. Read more here.
This is for $1,000. Applicants must be in a NMAA sanctioned sport: Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Football, Golf, Soccer, Softball, Spirit, Swimming/Diving, Tennis, Track & Field, Volleyball, and Wrestling. Candidates must be a participant within a “Large school.” This would be a school that falls within class 3A-5A.They must also be graduating seniors with a 3.5 GPA or higher. The deadline is February 1st. Learn more here.
This awards $3,000 to candidates. Candidates must be the child of a worker for the Simon Property Group who has worked with this company for a minimum of a year, be younger than 23 years old, and be a fourth-year high school student or college student intending to attend an associate’s level, bachelor’s level, or technical educational institution. The deadline to apply is February 14th. Read more here.
This is up to $5,000. This is open to all Albuquerque Public School student athletes with a minimum of a 3.5 GPA. Students must plan to attend college or vocational/trade school. Entrants must be legal residents of the United States, and seventeen years of age or older at the time of application. This award is based on the applicant’s writing ability (25%), creativity (25%), originality (25%), and overall excellence (25%). The deadline to apply is February 28th. Application and instructions found here.
The Dairy MAX Student Scholarship awards $2,500 to 3 students that live in one of 8 states including New Mexico, that are in their fourth year of high school or are already in college, that plan on attending a higher educational institution to obtain their associate’s or bachelor’s degree, that either have a parent that is a dairy farmer, a parent that is a dairy farmer employee, or have been a member themselves of the Future Farmers of America or 4-H in their third or fourth year of high school. The deadline is March 31st. Learn more here.
This provides $1,000 to students that are fourth year high school students that intend to obtain a degree or certification from a technical/trade higher educational institution, that are U.S. citizens, that live in one of 11 states including New Mexico, that intend to pursue mining as a career, and that plan to focus on a relevant trade at the higher educational institution they plan to attend. The deadline to apply is March 1st. Read more here.
This is for $1,620. To be eligible, you must be a U.S. citizen and a resident of the state of New Mexico. Members of native pueblos or New Mexico tribes are included. You could also be a U.S. citizen who is related to a member of the New Mexico Society of Mayflower Descendants. Applicants must all plan to attend an accredited post-secondary vocational school, community college, college, or university all of which award degrees. The deadline to apply is March 2nd. Apply here.
This awards 5 scholarships of varying amounts. Candidates must be a fourth year student at a high school and live in one of four different regions (Region IV consists of 13 states including New Mexico), must have displayed academic success throughout their high school career, must display that they are ready to begin their college career, and must intend to pursue a career in the automobile field. The deadline to apply is March 21st. Read more here.
The Robby Baker Memorial Scholarship Fund provides $1,000 to individuals that are students at La Cueva High School in Albuquerque, New Mexico, that have dyslexia or another reading disability, that have a GPA of 2.0 or higher, and that intend to obtain a degree or certificate from a nonprofit or public higher educational institution either part-time or full-time. The deadline is April 4th. Read more here.
The James Ledwith Memorial Scholarship Fund provides $2,000 to individuals that are fourth year high school students in the Albuquerque, New Mexico region, that have experienced obstacles throughout life, that have displayed hope, faith, and bravery, that have helped others around them, that have gone after their dreams, that plans to attend a higher educational institution full-time, and that has displayed academic success throughout their educational career. The deadline is April 4th. Learn more here.
The Kiwanis Club of Albuquerque Scholarship Fund provides up to $1,000 to individuals that are fourth year students at high schools in the Albuquerque, New Mexico region, that have engaged in various activities to help their communities, that have displayed academic success throughout their educational journey, that intend to study early childhood development or teaching at a higher educational institution, that took part in the Key Club at their high school, that have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, that require financial assistance to further their education, and that plan to enroll at a nonprofit or public higher educational institution to either obtain their associate’s or bachelor’s degree. The deadline is April 4th. Read more here.
The Women in Rhetoric and Logic Scholarship provides up to $3,000 to individuals that identify as female, that are fourth year high school students at Albuquerque Academy in Albuquerque, New Mexico, that plan on attending a nonprofit or public college or university, that participated in the debate team at their high school or at another institution, and that require financial assistance to further their education. The deadline is April 4th. Read more here.
The William F. Mann Scholarship provides $2,000 to individuals that live in New Mexico, that have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, that are students at Albuquerque High School in Albuquerque, New Mexico, that have engaged in various activities to help their communities, that are considered stand-up citizens, and that plan to attend a higher educational institution. The deadline is April 4th. Learn more here.
The Carl F. Scott Scholarship Fund for Tucumcari Lodge #27 A.F. & A.M. provides between $500 and $2,100 to individuals that have a parent that is a part of the Tucumcari Lodge No. 27, AF & AM, or that are fourth year students at a public or charter high school in Quay County, New Mexico, or that have lived in Quay County for two years or more if they were homeschooled, or that have lived in Quay County for three years or more. Additionally, these individuals must intend to attend a nonprofit or public higher educational institution, must have demonstrated academic success throughout high school, must require financial assistance to further their education, and must have demonstrated characteristics that align with that of a leader. The deadline is April 4th. Read more here.
The Joe “Isi” Trujillo Scholarship awards $2,000 to individuals that are fourth year students at Hot Springs High School in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, that have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, and that plans on obtaining their associate’s or bachelor’s degree from a nonprofit or public higher educational institution in New Mexico full-time. The deadline is April 4th. Read more here.
The Susie Kubié Symphonic Music Scholarship provides up to $4,000 to individuals that took part in the Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program (AYSP), that plan on obtaining a bachelor’s degree in music full-time from a higher educational institution, and that have obtained their diploma from a high school in the Albuquerque, New Mexico region. The deadline to apply is April 4th. Read more here.
The Daniels Fund Boundless Opportunity Scholarship (BOS) is designed to benefit motivated non-traditional students who recognize the power of education to create a better life for themselves and their families. The scholarship is available for undergraduate degrees and certificate programs at select two-year and four-year colleges and universities in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming. The deadline is April 11th. Apply here.
This is designed to recognize passion and commitment to pursue higher education and make a positive impact on the agriculture industry in New Mexico. One recipient for the $5,000 scholarship will be selected annually. Applicants must be graduating seniors of a New Mexico high school planning to attend an accredited college or university in New Mexico full time. Applicants must have also maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.0 in their first six semesters of high school and demonstrated a commitment to making an impact in the agricultural industry and/or overall economy of food and agriculture of New Mexico. The deadline to apply is April 1st. Learn more here.
This provides resources to students from 24 designated central New Mexico high schools. Scholarships are awarded for graduating seniors attending a New Mexico four-year college/university. Each designated high school selects one student for a $500 per year award, renewable over four years of undergraduate studies. The deadline to apply is April 4th. More details here.
This gives two $800 awards annually to one male and one female. This organization recognizes graduating seniors from the EHS varsity soccer team. Recipients must exhibit a strong scholastic record and leadership qualities. The deadline to apply is April 21st. Read more here.
This provides scholarships of $5,000 to individuals that plan on attending a higher educational institution, that live in one of 15 states including New Mexico, that are associated with the roofing industry in some manner such as through a parent, that have displayed academic success throughout their educational career, that require financial assistance to further their education, and that intend on majoring in a field of study related to the construction industry. The deadline to apply is April 22nd. Read more here.
This for $1,500. This is a regional art competition that challenges high school students to create works inspired by their state. To be considered, students must be in a school in Alaska, American Samoa, Arizona, California, Colorado, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Northern Mariana Islands, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, or Wyoming. The deadline to apply is April 1st. More details here.
This awards $1,000 to individuals that identify as female, that have obtained their diploma from high school, that plan on enrolling at a higher educational institution and majoring in an area associated with engineering, that have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, that will be first-generation college students. The deadline is May 15th. Read more here.
This awards $1,500 to individuals that are in their fourth year of high school, that are U.S. citizens, that had a GPA of 3.0 or higher from their second year to their fourth year of high school, that intend on attending a higher educational institution and majoring in engineering, that have engaged in various activities within and outside of their schools, and that have displayed qualities that align with that of a leader. The deadline is May 15th. Learn more here.
The New Mexico Society of Professional Engineers Scholarship awards $1,000 to individuals that are in their fourth year of high school, that are U.S. citizens, that had a GPA of 3.0 or higher from their second year to their fourth year of high school, that intend on attending a higher educational institution and majoring in engineering, that have engaged in various activities within and outside of their schools, and that have displayed qualities that align with that of a leader. The deadline is May 15th. Read more here.
This awards $2,000 to 2 individuals that have been accepted into and plan to attend either a pre-engineering program at Central New Mexico Community College (CNMCC) or an engineering program at University of New Mexico, New Mexico State University, or New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, that have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, that require financial assistance to further their education, and that have engaged in various activities within and outside of their schools. The deadline is May 15th. Read more here.
This awards $2,000 to individuals that are in their fourth year of high school, that are majoring in engineering, mathematics, or science, that have a parent that lost their life in the military or that have a parent/family member that was or is currently in the military, that have displayed academic success throughout their educational journey, that have displayed qualities that align with that of a leader, that have engaged in various activities to help their communities, and that require financial assistance to further their education. The deadline is May 15th. Learn more here.
This provides up to $2,200 to individuals that live or lived in New Mexico, that are in their fourth year of high school or that are already in college, that intend to obtain a degree or certificate from a nonprofit or public higher educational institution, and that intend to major part-time or full-time in an automotive or technical area of study. The deadline to apply is June 2nd. Read more here.
This is awarded to individuals that have lived in New Mexico for a year or more, that are fourth year high school students with a minimum GPA of 2.5, and that plan to obtain an associate’s degree in Metals Technology from a nonprofit or public higher educational institution either full-time or part time. The deadline to apply is June 2nd. Learn more here.
This is awarded to individuals that have lived in New Mexico for a year or more, that have been apart of the New Mexico foster care system for a year or more, that are between 17 and 21 years old, that are high school or college students, and that have a GPA of 2.5 or higher. The deadline to apply is June 2nd. Read more here.
The program recognizes the duties performed by firefighters and peace officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty. This provides survivors with an opportunity for a college education. To be eligible, student and honorable deceased must be a resident of New Mexico, attend a public post-secondary institution, and the survivor; spouse, adopted or natural children must be twenty one years of age or under at the time of death. The deadline to apply is September 1st. Read more here.
This is for $500 and is given to New Mexico High School Seniors (residents of NM). High school seniors must be registered to be entered into a monthly, random drawing. To be eligible to win, student(s) must have completed the FAFSA, and show proof of completion within the drawing month. The deadline is September 30th. Visit this to learn more.
Daniels Scholarship Program provides a four-year college scholarship. The amount varies depending on the student’s expected Family Contribution (EFC) and their choice of school. The scholarship pays up to $25,000 per year toward the student’s college tuition, after their EFC, other scholarships, and financial aid. Eligible candidates’ parent(s) or legal guardian(s) must have an Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) of $85,000 or less. Candidates must also be a permanent US resident and a high school senior graduating from a school in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, or Wyoming. They must have a GPA of 3.0 and have a minimum SAT Math score of 490 and a minimum Evidence-Based Reading & Writing score of 490, or a minimum ACT score of 18 in each category. The deadline to apply is November 15th. Learn more here.
This provides six students whose works explore personal grief, loss, and bereavement with $1,000 scholarships. Additional state scholarships of $500 are available to two students from each of the following states: Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey, and New Mexico. Regional deadlines vary and can be as early as December 1st. Website found here.
This awards $1,000 to 3 students that create a visual piece that makes a statement about contemporary social or political issues. The deadline to apply is December 1st. Read more here.
Deadlines Vary
This provides many scholarships for New Mexico residents who are high school seniors planning to enroll in college. The amount, requirements, and deadlines vary. Read more here.
This is for students who are residents of New Mexico. They must have graduated from a New Mexico high school in the top 5% of class or obtain a score of 25 on the ACT or 1140 on the SAT. They must even attend full time an eligible public or private not for profit post-secondary institution. This award is also based on family income, which may not exceed $60,000 per year. More details here.
This ranges from $200-$2,500 per year.To be eligible, you must be a New Mexico Resident, be enrolled at least half time as an undergraduate student at a New Mexico public college or university or tribal college, demonstrate financial need as determined by the eligible college or university, and have completed a high school diploma or high school equivalency credential. Learn more here.
This was established to increase graduate enrollment at public postsecondary institutions for students from groups underrepresented in graduate education. This is up to $7,200 per year. Priority will be given to New Mexico students from those groups with the most severe under-representation and students with the greatest financial need. They must also be a citizen of the United States or permanent resident and agree to serve in an unpaid internship or assistantship at the eligible institution, a government agency or private industry approved by his major department for ten hours per week during the academic year. More details here.
This was created to provide funding for employment opportunities for qualified resident students attending New Mexico eligible institutions. The deadlines are set by each individual institution, meaning that they vary. Learn more here.
This is funded by the state and is offered at Eastern New Mexico University, New Mexico Highlands University, New Mexico Junior College, New Mexico State University, University of New Mexico, and Western New Mexico University. This scholarship is for 1 year and is renewable. The deadline and the award amount varies. Read more here.
This is for resident undergraduate and graduate students that provides tuition, fees, and book allowances to Military War Veterans certified by the New Mexico Veterans’ service commission. More info. here.
This is a state funded scholarship for resident undergraduate and graduate students that provides tuition, fees, and book allowances to vietnam veterans certified by the New Mexico Veterans’ Service commission. Website found here.
This varies between $500 and $2,000 and is for New Mexico graduating high school seniors who have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher and demonstrate financial need are eligible for this award. Students must apply by April 20 if attending a private or out-of-state school, and by June 20 if attending a public New Mexico school. More details here.
Eligible recipients of this New Mexico scholarship must be a child (16 – 25 years old) of a parent(s) who have been seriously injured (or deceased) through a workplace event that resulted in a New Mexico workman’s comp complaint. The application deadline for scholarships in New Mexico and the value of the Toby Wright Scholarship Fund varies based upon each recipient’s personal situation. Read more here.
This provides between $500 and $2,100 to individuals that have a parent that is a part of the Tucumcari Lodge No. 27, AF & AM, or that are fourth year students at a public or charter high school in Quay County, New Mexico, or that have lived in Quay County for two years or more if they were homeschooled, or that have lived in Quay County for three years or more. Additionally, these individuals must intend to attend a nonprofit or public higher educational institution, must have demonstrated academic success throughout high school, must require financial assistance to further their education, and must have demonstrated characteristics that align with that of a leader. Read more here.
This provides between $1,000 and $5,000 to individuals that live in northwest New Mexico (specifically in one of 11 neighborhoods), that are in their fourth year of high school, that intend to obtain a degree in a scientific or human service related area of study from a higher educational institution or that intends to obtain a degree or certificate from a technical/trade institution and intends to work in a northwest New Mexico area, and that has a GPA of 2.0 or higher. Learn more here.
This awards scholarships to individuals that live in the Albuquerque, New Mexico region, that have displayed academic success throughout their high school career, and that have been recommended by their high school. Learn more here.
This provide $1,000 to individuals that have engaged in various sports and activities at their high schools, have displayed academic success throughout their educational career, and that have applied to other scholarships through the New Mexico Activities Association Foundation. Learn more here.
This provides $1,000 to 8 students that have displayed respect, integrity, and responsibility throughout their lives. Students must be suggested by the New Mexico Activities Association and their participating schools. Read more here.
This provides $1,000 to two students that live in New Mexico and that participated in track and field at their schools. Learn more here.
This is awarded to individuals that are 18 years old and up, that identify as female, that live in New Mexico, that plan to attend 1 of 3 schools in New Mexico, and that intend on obtaining a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology with a specialization in Archaeology. Read more here.
This is for students whose parent or guardian was a member of the U.S. armed forces and died as a result of performing military service in Iraq or Afghanistan after the events of 9/11. Read more here.
This awards $4,000 to individuals that are in their fourth year of high school or that are already in college. Additionally, this scholarship is awarded to students that displayed academic success throughout their high school career, that have been active in their community, that have displayed qualities that align with a leader, that display a passion for problems affecting the LGBTQ community, that consider themselves a lesbian, and that intend to enroll in a higher educational institution within the United States in the upcoming fall semester. Read more here.
This provides $1,000 to individuals that are in their fourth year of high school, in college already, or older individuals who are returning to school. Additionally, they must have a minimum GPA of 3.0, must intend to attend a higher educational institution, must require financial assistance to further their education, and must live in a rural region. The deadline for fall is June 30th and the deadline for spring is November 30th. Learn more here.
This provides scholarships of $1,000 and $10,000 to individuals that are fourth year high school students and that compile a portfolio of six of their art pieces and a written piece. Read more here.

Recommended Reading
New Jersey Scholarships
New Jersey scholarships for high school and college students to help plan your scholarship search throughout the year.
Delaware Scholarships
Delaware scholarships for high school and college students to help plan your scholarship search throughout the year.
Ohio Scholarships
Ohio scholarships for high school and college students to help plan your scholarship search throughout the year.
Montana Scholarships
Montana scholarships for high school and college students to help plan your scholarship search throughout the year.
New Hampshire Scholarships
New Hampshire scholarships for high school and college students to help plan your scholarship search throughout the year.
Maine Scholarships
Maine scholarships for high school and college students to help plan your scholarship search throughout the year.