The purpose of this detailed listing of North Carolina scholarships for college is to help you plan your scholarship search throughout the year. Please find information below about scholarships specifically for North Carolina students. Some of the deadlines may be from prior years. Scholarship deadlines are cyclical, so even if a deadline has passed, the website will likely be updated for the current school year. Be sure to reach out to the sponsor or check sponsor websites for the most recent details.

This provides $1,500 to an individual who is a fourth year high school student or in college, who plans on obtaining a bachelor’s degree in one of four specified areas at a higher educational institution, who has a GPA of 3.0 or higher, who lives in one of 25 states including North Carolina, and who is a member of the Future Farmers of America. The deadline to apply is January 9th. Learn more here.
This provides $3,000 to an individual who is a fourth year high school student or in college, who plans on obtaining a bachelor’s degree in one of six specified areas of agriculture at a higher educational institution, who requires financial assistance to further their education, who lives in one of 25 states including North Carolina, and who is a member of the Future Farmers of America. The deadline to apply is January 9th. Learn more here.
This provides up to $80,000 to individuals that have DACA, TPS, or arrived in the United States prior to November 2016 and would have met the requirements for DACA. Additionally, these individuals must have been younger than 16 when they arrived in the United States, must require financial assistance to further their education, must be a resident of one of 20 states including North Carolina, must be a fourth year student or have received their diploma from a high school in one of 20 states including North Carolina, must have a minimum GPA of 2.8, and must plan to attend one of the organization’s partner colleges. The deadline to apply is January 31st. Read more here.
This offers $5,00o to students who must have received a cancer diagnosis at any point in the past, plan to attend a U.S. college or graduate school, and have a family income of less than $150,000 per year. This is due January 31st. More info here.
ANSWER Scholarship Endowment – offers a varied amount to female mothers who are raising children, they must be over the age of 25 and are raising young children. They must be pursuing their college education in any major they choose. The deadline is on February 1st. Learn more here.
This offers up to $10,000 to graduate students as well as undergraduates who have completed at least 1 year of study and show academic excellence. This application is due February 1st. Learn more here.
This provides six scholarships that range from $400 to $3,000 to individuals that are in their fourth year of high school and that intend on enrolling at a higher educational institution in North Carolina. The deadline to apply is February 5th. Learn more here.
This is awarded to individuals that live in North Carolina, that are fourth year high school students, that have displayed academic success throughout their high school career, that have engaged in activities within their schools and within their communities, that have displayed qualities that align with that of a leader, and that have a minimum GPA of 2.5. The deadline to apply is February 5th. Learn more here.
This is a four year scholarship that is provided to applicants that were born in and live in North Carolina, that intend on enrolling in a higher educational institution in North Carolina, that have a parent that lost their life or was injured in war, and that is below 25 years old. The deadline to apply is February 14th. Read more here.
This offers senior high school and 1st/2nd year college students with multiple scholarship opportunities. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and academic work ethic. The deadline is February 15th. Apply here.
This gives a varied amount to a child of a full-time or part-time employee of Simon Property Group who has been employed for at least one year and be a a high school senior or current college student who is under 23 years old. This application is due February 15th. More info. here.
This offers $2,000 to a senior in high school that has at one time played in a Dixie Youth Baseball league. This application is due March 1st. Learn More here.
This offers $12,000 to graduating high school seniors from a 14-county area of North Carolina. Students must express financial need; plan to enroll as a full-time student in a degree program at N.C. State University. This application is due March 1st. More info here.
This awards between $1,000 and $7,500. Individuals that apply must live in either Wake, Durham, or Orange Counties in North Carolina, must be a United States citizen or permanent resident, must plan to enroll in a higher educational institution or technical school, must fill out the FAFSA, and must have a minimum GPA of 2.5. The deadline to apply is March 1st. Learn more here.
This awards up to $80,000. Candidates must have attended a Chapel Hill-Carrboro City High School, must intend to obtain their associate’s or bachelor’s degree from a higher educational institution, and must be an immigrant, refugee, or first-generation American citizen. The deadline to apply is March 1st. Read more here.
This awards up to $16,000. Candidates must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, must live in Wake County in North Carolina, must be in their fourth year of high school, must intend on enrolling at a higher educational institution in North Carolina, and must be an immigrant, refugee, or first-generation American citizen. The deadline to apply is March 1st. Learn more here.
This awards $10,000. Candidates must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, must live in Chatham, Durham, Orange, or Wake Counties in North Carolina, and must intend on enrolling at a higher educational institution in North Carolina to obtain their bachelor’s degree. The deadline to apply is March 1st. Read more here.
This awards between $5,000 to $10,000. Candidates must have a GPA of 2.0 or higher, must live in Durham, Orange, Chatham, Wake, or Person Counties in North Carolina, and must have been accepted to a nursing program at a higher educational institution in North Carolina. The deadline to apply is March 1st. Learn more here.
This awards $8,000. Candidates must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, must live in Transylvania County in North Carolina, must be fourth year high school students at either Brevard or Rosman High Schools, must intend to enroll at a public higher educational institution in North Carolina. The deadline to apply is March 1st. Read more here.
This awards $8,000. This scholarship is given to individuals that have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, that live in Durham County in North Carolina, that are fourth year students at a high school in Durham County, that intend on enrolling at a higher educational institution in North Carolina, and that intend on majoring in a health-associated field of study. The deadline to apply is March 1st. Learn more here.
This awards up to $20,000. This scholarship is given to individuals that have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, that live in Chatham, Durham, Orange, or Wake Counties in North Carolina, and that intend on enrolling at a public higher educational institution in North Carolina. The deadline to apply is March 1st. Read more here.
This awards up to $20,000. This scholarship is given to individuals that either work or worked at iContact or have a parent that either works or worked at iContact, that are residents of Chatham, Durham, Orange, or Wake Counties in North Carolina, and that plan on studying Computer Science, Business/Entrepreneurship, Economics, or Marketing and Communications. The deadline to apply is March 1st. Learn more here.
This awards $4,000. This scholarship is given to individuals that have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, that are fourth year students at Orange High School in North Carolina, that intend on going to a higher educational institution to obtain their bachelor’s degree full-time. The deadline to apply is March 1st. Read more here.
This awards $2,000 every year for four years, thus a total of 8,000, to individuals that are Christian, that have a GPA of 2.0 or higher, that live in Siler City, North Carolina, and that are fourth year students or have received their diploma from Jordan-Matthews High School or Chatham Charter High School which are both in North Carolina. The deadline to apply is March 1st. Learn more here.
This awards $2,000 to individuals that have a GPA of 2.5 or higher and that live in the West End Community in Durham, North Carolina or that have displayed a passion for helping the West End Community. The deadline to apply is March 1st. Read more here.
This awards $1,000 to individuals that have a GPA of 2.0 or higher, that live in North Carolina, that are fourth year high school students or already attend a higher educational institution, that identify as American Indian, that are a part of an American Indian tribe preferably in North Carolina, that have displayed a passion for helping their American Indian community, that have engaged in various activities within their school or their community, and that require financial assistance to further their education. The deadline to apply is March 1st. Learn more here.
This awards $1,000 to individuals that live in Orange County in North Carolina, that are fourth year students at an Orange County or Chapel Hill-Carrboro City high school, that intend on enrolling at a higher educational institution to obtain a bachelor’s degree full time. The deadline to apply is March 1st. Read more here.
This awards $2,500 to four individuals that have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, that attend Southern High School, Northern High School, Riverside High School, Hillside High School, Jordan High School, Durham School of the Arts, or the City of Medicine Academy which are all located in North Carolina, and that require financial assistance to further their education. The deadline to apply is March 1st. Learn more here.
This awards $1,000 to individuals that live in Siler City in North Carolina, that are fourth year students at Jordan-Matthews High School, and that intend on enrolling in a higher educational institution to obtain an associate’s, bachelor’s, or technical degree/certificate. The deadline to apply is March 1st. Read more here.
This awards $4,000 to individuals that have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, that live in Siler City in North Carolina, that are fourth year high school students at or have received their diploma from Jordan-Matthews High School or Sage Academy which are both in North Carolina, that require financial assistance to further their education, and that intend on enrolling at a higher educational institution in North Carolina. The deadline to apply is March 1st. Learn more here.
This offers a varied amount to female mothers who are raising children, they must be over the age of 25 and are raising young children. They must be pursuing their college education in any major they choose. This application is due March 10th. Learn more here.
This provides up to $5,000 to individuals that are first-generation fourth year high school students, that require financial aid to continue their education, that intend on enrolling at a higher educational institution to obtain their bachelor’s degree in one of 9 areas of study, and that have a GPA of 3.5 or higher. The deadline to apply is March 14th. Learn more here.
This offers $5,000 to a student who must write an essay about an African American who inspired you.This application is due March 31st. Learn more here.
CBC Spouses Performing Arts Scholarship awards $5,000 to ten students that identify as African American, that are fourth year high school students, and that intend on enrolling full-time at an accredited academic institution and studying a major related to performing arts. Learn more here.
The Gordon Hay Scholarship Fund – offers $5,000 to a student who is pursuing a non-performing career in the performing arts field. Students must also be a current high school senior, a college freshman, or college sophomore. Learn more here
CBC Spouses Visual Arts Scholarship awards $5,000 to ten students that identify as African American, that are fourth year high school students, and that intend on enrolling full-time at an accredited academic institution and studying a major related to visual arts. Learn more here.
The Alpha Phi Alpha African-American Male Scholarship awards $1,000. Candidates must live in either Durham or Orange County in North Carolina, must intend to enroll at a higher educational institution to obtain their bachelor’s degree, and must identify as an African-American male. Learn more here.
The Kim and Chris Henson Scholarship Awards provides up to $2,000 to two individuals that obtained their diploma from Reagan High School in Pfafftown, North Carolina, that are student-athletes, that intend to obtain a bachelor’s degree from a higher educational institution, and that intend to ultimately become a teacher or medical professional. Learn more here.
Provides $2,500 to a fourth year high school student at West Forsyth High School in Clemmons, North Carolina that intends on furthering their education following their high school journey and that requires financial assistance to do so. The deadline to apply is April 12th. Read more here.
This offers $2,500 to a student who expresses financial need and lives in Forsyth County seeking a degree or credential in the healthcare field. This application is due April 19th. Learn more here.
Provides up to $16,000, $4,000 per year, to an individual that received their diploma from West Forsyth High School in Clemmons, North Carolina, who is a student athlete, who has displayed qualities that align with a leader, who has successfully dealt with various obstacles, and who is a diligent worker. The deadline to apply is April 12th. Read more here.
Provides up to $2,500 to an individual that obtained their diploma from West Forsyth High School in Clemmons, North Carolina, who has qualities that align with a leader, and who is considerate. This individual must also have taken part in the Interact Club of the Clemmons Rotary Club or the Finance Academy at their high school. The deadline to apply is April 112thth. Learn more here.
This offers $2,500 to high school seniors who have a commitment to excellence and are inspired by the work their first responder parent or parents do in our communities. If this scholarship is given to a student, they also have the opportunity to win the ESA National Scholarship of either $12,000 or $4,000. This application is due April 14th. More info here.
This offers $7,500 to graduating high school seniors from chosen North Carolina counties who will enroll at any accredited two or four year colleges, technical colleges, or universities in the fall.This application is due April 14th. Learn more here.
This provides $1,000 scholarships to individuals that intend on enrolling at a higher educational institution in North Carolina, that have a parent that has been injured or lost their life as a North Carolina service member from the date of September 11, 2001 onward, and that have engaged in activities within their schools and within their communities. The deadline to apply is April 15th. Read more here.
This awards up to $2,000 to individuals that live in Guilford, Rockingham, Randolph, or Alamance Counties in North Carolina, that intend to enroll at a higher educational institution, that identify as a part of the LGBTQ+ community or as allies of the community, that have displayed bravery, that have displayed qualities that align with that of leaders, and that have displayed a passion for helping the LGBTQ+ community. The deadline to apply is April 15th. Read more here.
This offers $5,000 to students pursuing their college career in theatre. This application is due April 15th. More info. here.
Of the Lewisville-Clemmons Chamber of Commerce provides up to $2,500 to an individual that received their diploma from either West Forsyth High School in Clemmons, North Carolina, Reagan High School in Pfafftown, North Carolina, or from North Davidson High School in Lexington, North Carolina. This individual must also intend to obtain a degree or certification from a trade, technical, or vocational higher institution. The deadline to apply is April 24th. Learn more here.
This provides up to $1,000 to a fourth year high school student from Forbush High School in East Bend, North Carolina. The student must intend to obtain a degree or certificate regarding electronics, welding, or construction and must be determined. The deadline to apply is April 24th. Read more here.
Provides $2,000 per year for up to 2 years to individuals planning to attend Forsyth Technical Community College or $5,000 per year for up to 4 years to individuals planning to attend Winston-Salem State University. Additionally, this scholarship is awarded to individuals with a minimum GPA of 2.0. This application is due April 24th. Website here.
This offers $2,500 to students who live in Forsyth or Davidson Counties, express financial need, and plan to attend and meet the requirements for admission to Forsyth Tech or DCCC. The deadline is April 24th. Learn more here.
This offers $2,500 to residents of North Carolina or anyone planning to attend or currently attending a school in North Carolina. This application is due May 1st. Learn more here.
This offers up to $2,000 to local adults from Forsyth County who plan to or already attend Forsyth Technical Community College to pursue their degree that leads to a job with a livable wage. This application is due May 6th. More info. here.
Offers $500 to $3,000 to a student who was affected by a bleeding disorder or is been diagnosed with a bleeding disorder; is a caregiver of a child or adult affected by a bleeding disorder or has a sibling or a parent in the same household affected by a bleeding disorder. This application is due May 15th. Website here.
This scholarship offers $2,000 to current high school students in Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. For this contest, students are asked to share their thoughts on “What are the responsibilities of citizenship, and how do those responsibilities support and reinforce the rule of law?” This application is due May 31st. Website here.
This is awarded to individuals that are fourth year high school students, that have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, that live in North Carolina, that have displayed qualities that align with a leader, and that have engaged in various activities to better their communities. The deadline to apply is July 12th. Learn more here.
This awards $5,000 to students that have a GPA of 2.75 or higher, that engaged in an abundant amount of volunteer work in their community, that intend to go to a higher educational institution, and that live in one of 16 states including North Carolina. The deadline to apply is July 31st. Learn more here.
The Nevada Scholarship – The North Carolina Electronic Security Association – offers $2,500 to high school seniors who have a commitment to excellence and are inspired by the work their first responder parent or parents do in our communities. If this scholarship is given to a student, they also have the opportunity to win the ESA National Scholarship of either $12,000 or $4,000. More info here.(December)
Deadlines Vary
This awards $4,000 to individuals that are in their fourth year of high school or that are already in college. Additionally, this scholarship is awarded to students that displayed academic success throughout their high school career, that have been active in their community, that have displayed qualities that align with a leader, that display a passion for problems affecting the LGBTQ community, that consider themselves a lesbian, and that intend to enroll in a higher educational institution within the United States in the upcoming fall semester. Read more here.
This provides $1,000 to individuals that are in their fourth year of high school, in college already, or older individuals who are returning to school. Additionally, they must have a minimum GPA of 3.0, must intend to attend a higher educational institution, must require financial assistance to further their education, and must live in a rural region. The deadline for fall is June 30th and the deadline for spring is November 30th. Learn more here.
This provides scholarships of varying amounts to individuals that live in Forsyth, Davidson, Davie, Stokes, Surry, Wilkes, or Yadkin Counties which are all in North Carolina. In order to be eligible for these scholarships, individuals that wish to apply must fill out the FAFSA. The deadline to apply for a majority of their merit-based scholarships is March 15th and the deadline to apply for financial need-based scholarships is July 1st. Read more here.

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