Tennessee Scholarships

by Joshua Espinal | Last Updated: January 9, 2025

The purpose of this detailed listing of Tennessee scholarships for college is to help you plan your scholarship search throughout the year. Please find information below about scholarships specifically for Tennessee students. Some of the deadlines may be from prior years. Scholarship deadlines are cyclical, so even if a deadline has passed, the website will likely be updated for the current school year. Be sure to reach out to the sponsor or check sponsor websites for the most recent details.


Offers students $1,000 in financial support. Applicants must submit their application and travel to the nearest participating ford dealership to attain the dealer code. The deadline is January 9th. More information here.

Princeton Prize in Race Relations (PPRR) awards high school students who have been improving the quality of their communities through volunteership and racial relations up to $1,000 in financial aid. Selected applicants will be invited to the Symposium to discuss various topics with other prize recipients. The deadline is January 31st. More information here.


Provides awards to high school seniors preparing for their freshman year in college through an essay contest. The competition will award $2,000, $1,500 and $1,000 to first, second and third place respectively. Applicants must be a Tennessee, Mississippi, or Arkansas resident. Alternatively if the student is involved in a bird club outside the listed states, then the applicant is still eligible. The deadline to submit the essay is January 15th. More information here.



Gives scholarship awards to students who are seeking a career working with children in the future. Applicants must be enrolled part-time or full-time in an educational institution and planning to participate in graduate programs for child care.  The deadline to apply is February 1st. More details here.

Offers senior high school and 1st/2nd year college students with multiple scholarship opportunities. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and academic work ethic. The deadline is February 7th. Apply here.


Awards third/fourth year undergraduate and graduate students with financial support expressing interest in business, marketing, construction management and more. Awards vary and applicants must demonstrate financial need. The deadline is February 15th. Read more here.

Awards various scholarships to students pursuing a degree in a Christian related field such as pastoral ministry, Biblical counseling or international ministry. Applicants must be aiming for full-time or past-time careers in Christian fields of work and live in the Chattanooga area. The deadline is February 15th. Apply here.

Awards children of Simon Property Group employees $3,000 in financial support. Applicants must be younger than 24 and a dependent of an employee who has been employed for at least a year. The deadline is February 14th. More information here.

Offers $500 to youth students who are active in their community. Applicants must be planning to enroll in a post-secondary institution or college and submit at least three recommendations. Additionally, recipients must continue to reflect the academic success and community involvement that qualified them. The deadline to apply is February 28th. Learn more here.


Candace Mast Veterinary Medicine Scholarship provides $3,200 to East Tennessee students seeking a career in clinical veterinary medicine. Applicants must display their need for financial support and be enrolled in University of Tennessee, Knoxville or Lincoln Memorial University College of Veterinary Medicine. The application is due March 1st. Learn more here.

Hagan Scholarship Foundation can offer four year students up to $7,500/semester and workshops for students to build skills outside of school. Students must have needed to work from the beginning of the year to the fall semester of the same year, maintain a 3.5 GPA and be on track to graduate within 4 years. Due March 1st.  More info here.

Tennessee Grocers Education Foundation Scholarship Program offers multiple scholarships for high school seniors, undergraduates and graduate students who are TGCSA employees or their dependents. Applicants must submit one application which will notify them of all the scholarships they are eligible for. Employees must have been in company service for at least two years. The deadline is March 15th. More details here.

Awards $2,000 to students who have participated in a Youth Baseball League. Applicants do not need to demonstrate exceptional athletic ability, but must be in their senior year of highschool. The deadline to apply is March 1st. Apply here.


Offers high school students who enrolled in their senior year $3,500 in financial support. Applicants must demonstrate academic success and potential for handling college courses. The deadline is March 21st. Learn more here. 

Provides $3,500 to students who are either enrolled in college or planning to attend a college within the eligible states. Applicants must submit an essay regarding an inspirational black role model who has beneficially influenced their life. Applicants must also have at least a 2.0 GPA to be eligible. The deadline to submit is March 31st. Apply here. 

CBC Spouses Education Scholarship awards African- American/ Black students seeking a full-time post secondary education. Applicants must demonstrate leadership qualities and reside in a CBC member district. Applicants must have at least a 2.5 GPA to be eligible. The application deadline is March 29th. Learn more here.



Confers $10,000 to a teenage high school graduate who has a parent currently living with metastatic breast cancer or a deceased parent due to metastatic breast cancer. $2,500 is awarded each year for four years provided they maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA. Due April 15th. More details linked.

This is bestowed upon eligible high school juniors and seniors who inhabit Cincinnati’s twenty county BBB service area. The monetary value of the scholarship is $1,000. The deadline is April 3rd. See more info. 

This offers $2,500 to students who are majoring in the drinking water or wastewater industries. Applicants must reside within SEDA’s service region. Individuals who are in their 3rd/4th year of college or in a graduate program are eligible to apply. The deadline is April 4th. Learn more here. 

ESA Youth Scholarship awards students related to  first responders (firemen, policemen, EMTs, etc.) $13,000/$4,500 to first and second place winners respectively. Applicants must provide evidence of relation to a first responder and be 15-20 years old to be considered eligible. The application deadline is April 4th. More details here.





A $5,000 scholarship granted to a high school senior with a minimum 2.75 GPA and an extensive history of community service. Two letters of recommendation from supervisors who can attest to one’s commitment are required. The deadline is July 31st. More details here.





This awards an out of state student up to $11,000 in financial  support for classes, tuition, and other college expenses. Applicants must demonstrate high academic performance to be considered eligible. The deadline is November 1st. Read more here.

This offers financial awards of varying amounts to non Floridian applicants that renew annually for either $4,000, $8,000, or $16,000. The deadline is November 1st. More details linked.  


Can offer four year students up to $7,500/semester and workshops for students to build skills outside of school. Students must have needed to work from the beginning of the year to the fall semester of the same year, maintain a 3.5 GPA and be on track to graduate within 4 years. Due December 1st.  More info here

This grants between $2,500-$30,000 per academic year to students residing in the Middle Tennessee region. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and enroll in a major related to STEM or business. For high school applicants, a GPA of 2.5 is preferred. The deadline to apply is December 15th. More details here.


This confers $2,000 annually to an in-state freshman at the University of Tennessee with parents’ adjusted gross income (AGI) of $50,000-$70,000. No external application is necessary. THe deadline is December 15th. More details linked.


This confers $2,000 annually to an in-state freshman at the University of Tennessee with at least a 3.6 GPA. No external application is necessary. The deadline is December 15th. See more info.


Deadlines Vary

SETC Scholarships provides multiple scholarships to students seeking post-secondary education. Scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students are offered and may be used as the recipient wishes. Additional requirements may be applied depending on the scholarship. The deadline for all applications varies. More information here.


This offers a spelling bee contest that awards $10,000, $5,000 and $2,500 to the first, second and third place respectively as well as multiple additional scholarships. Applicants must be in 8th-12th grade to be considered eligible for the competition. The deadline varies. More details here.

Awards $500-$1,000 to students who represent a racial-ethnic minority and a member of the UMC (United Methodist Church). Applicants must have a GPA of at least 3.0. The deadline may vary. Apply here.

This awards scholarships to female Christian students who demonstrate financial need. Many of the scholarships are dedicated to students enrolled in an undergraduate program. Scholarships target medical, nursing and more. Applicants cannot apply through an application and must apply through their institution. Learn more here.

This provides scholarships between $500-$2,000 to students who are seeking chiropractic practice. Applicants must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA. Additional terms and conditions may vary per scholarship. The deadline varies depending on which scholarship is applied to. Deadline varies. More details here.


This holds a competition for students to raise awareness and funds for combating cancer. Winners will receive financial support. The purpose of the program is to teach participants skills such as entrepreneurship, marketing, and project management. The deadline is currently unannounced. More information here.

This offers partial payment of student loans for individuals enrolling in service up to 15%. Applicants must enlist for at least six years, have attained high school diploma and qualify for specific military occupations.The deadline may vary. More information here.


This provides multiple scholarships between $500 to $25,000 to students who are active, FCC-licensed amateur radio operators. Applicants may have to submit extra documents for specific scholarships. Applications open on November 1st. Deadlines vary. Learn more information.

This awards scholarships of varying amounts to students residing in all states except Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Scholarship selection is competitive. The deadline varies. More information here.

This gives multiple scholarships to Tennessee students who are seeking higher education. For many of the applications, applicants must have graduated from a Tennessee high school. Additional requirements may be listed depending on the scholarship. Deadlines vary. Apply here.

This bestows two $500 scholarships to two high school students who submit a 50 word minimum personal statement about grief experienced as a result of a personal loss in their lives. Due Date varies with region and zip code. See more info.

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Joshua Espinal is a rising sophomore, currently enrolled at Baruch College. He is currently majoring in Computer Information Systems, hopefully one day in order to help companies with emerging technology into business as to transform companies. Joshua helped with the data organization for Stand Out College Prep, in addition with finding accurate information and updating older information for website uses. Joshua tends to enjoy playing video games, hanging out with family and friends, and does like to listen to audiobooks.