The purpose of this detailed listing of Washington scholarships for college is to help you plan your scholarship search throughout the year. Please find information below about scholarships specifically for Washington students. Some of the deadlines may be from prior years. Scholarship deadlines are cyclical, so even if a deadline has passed, the website will likely be updated for the current school year. Be sure to reach out to the sponsor or check sponsor websites for the most recent details.

Washington State University Regents Scholars Program has two award levels, offering different awards. The Distinguished Regents Scholar covers full tuition and mandatory fees for four years. The Regents Scholars awards $4,000 per academic year for four years. The deadline is January 15th. More details here.
This awards financial support to young students who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community. Applicants must be pursuing a post-secondary institution and reside in the eligible states. The deadline to apply is January 10th. More details here.
This offers multiple amounts of financial support to students who identify as LGBTQ or as allies to the movement. Applicants must demonstrate community involvement, strong academic abilities and leadership. The deadline to apply is January 6th. More details here.
This provides various amounts of financial support to students who are seeking a career in engineering, sciences, pre-medicine, or pre-dentistry. Applicants must be enrolled full-time at Washington State University and be at least in their sophomore year of education. The deadline to apply is January 31st. More details here.
This grants various scholarships to students who are enrolling/enrolled in Eastern Washington University. Applicants must have a 2.8 GPA minimum. The deadline to apply is February 1st. More details here.
This provides $2,500 to college and graduate students who are seeking a career in civil engineering, welding engineering, welding engineering technology, or a related field. Applicants must have graduated high school and enrolled part-time/full-time in college. The deadline to apply is March 1st. More details here.
This provides awards from $500-$2,000 to students who have a strong connection to a Washington State American Indian community. Applicants must submit their FAFSA application and enroll full-time. The deadline to apply is March 1st. More details here.
This offers high school students who enrolled in their senior year $3,500 in financial support. Applicants must demonstrate academic success and potential for handling college courses. The deadline is March 12th. More details here.
This gives financial support to high school seniors who are pursuing higher education. Applicants must reside in Episcopal Diocese of Spokane and provide references. The deadline to apply is March 15th. More details here.
They host an essay writing contest for students who reside in Seattle, Washington. $5,000 will be awarded to the 1st place winner with $2,500 to the runner ups. Applicants must be at least 13 years old and have a Seattle Public Library card. The application deadline is March 15th. More details here.
This provides a total of $18,000 to three high school seniors who express interest in art/music. Applicants must submit an essay and reside in Washington or Oregon. The deadline is March 21st. More details here.
This provides $500-$5,000 to students who live in a Hearthstone Housing Foundation property or a Hearthstone Housing Foundation property location. Applicants must be enrolled full-time, demonstrate financial need and have at least a 2.75/3.0 for high school and college students respectively. The deadline is March 31st. More details here.
This awards $3,000 per year to students who are at least in their junior year at a college or university. Applicants must have at least 3.0 GPA and reside in Washington State. The application deadline is March 31st. More details here.
This provides various scholarship awards t0 LGBTQI+ identifying students or individuals who are directly related to LGBTQI+ parents.. Applicants must be planning to enroll in a post-secondary institution and have resided in Washington or Oregon for at least a year. The deadline to apply is April 1st. More details here.
This awards $2,424 and $1,024 to high school seniors residing in Washington State. To be considered eligible for the $2,424 award, applicants must graduate from a Fife high school. However, all highschool seniors in Washington are eligible for the $1,024 award. The application deadline is April 1st. More details here.
This offers $1,000 scholarships to high school seniors who reside in the listed states. Applicants must be enrolling in a 4 year college and demonstrate financial need. Employees of Cathay Bank and their relatives are not eligible to apply. The deadline to apply is April 4th. More details here.
This provides $5,000 per year to female students who reside in Washington. Applicants must identify as a woman, demonstrate financial need, submit their FAFSA application and at least a 2.50 GPA. The deadline to apply is April 13th. More details here.
This gives various amounts of financial support to students with disabilities. Applicants must reside in Washington, Oregon or California and be enrolled in a post-secondary institution. The deadline to apply is April 15th. More details here.
This grants various amounts of financial support to students who are attending a Washington college full-time. Applicants must demonstrate financial need, nominated by their school advisor and submit a letter of recommendation. The scholarship is renewable as long as the listed requirements are met. The deadline is April 15th. More details here.
This holds an art competition for high school students who are residing in Western US. Applicants must submit a piece of 2D artwork that represents their state. The awards of $1,500, $750 and $500 will be given to the first, second, and third place winners respectively. $200 will also be given to the remaining finalists. The deadline is April 30th. More details here.
This offers various amounts of financial aid to students who are interested in organic agriculture and farming/ranching. Applicants must reside within the eligible Washington counties and be available for an interview. The deadline to apply is April 30th. More details here.
Candlelighters For Children With Cancer Continuing Education Scholarship provides various amounts of financial support to young cancer survivors. Applicants must be between 18-25 and registered with the Candlelighters program. The application deadline is April 15th. More details here.
TMCF Bridging the Dream Scholarship Program for High School Seniors offers up to $10,000 to 25 incoming full-time college students. Applicants demonstrating leadership abilities and diversity are eligible from any state except Utah. Students must also be eligible for a Pell-Grant. The deadline to apply is May 17th. More details here.
Northwest Osteopathic Medical Foundation Scholarship Program awards a minimum of $10,000 to osteopathic medical school students. Applicants must demonstrate community involvement and practice in the Northwest states. One letter of recommendation is also required. The deadline to apply is May 6th. More details here.
The Edmund F. Maxwell Foundation provides up to $5,000 per year to students who are residing in Western Washington. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and planning to enroll in a 4 year college. The deadline to apply is May 10th. More details here.
This awards $3,000 to $15,000 to female students residing in Washington. Applicants must be enrolled full-time at a Washington college and have at least a 3.0 GPA. The deadline to submit the application is May 1st. More details here.
This provides $2,500 to high school seniors who are planning to attend a technical school. Applicants must be attending a Ridgefield Public School. The deadline to apply is May 8th. More details here.
This provides various amounts of financial support to Christian students. Applicants must demonstrate financial need, leadership in Christian activities, and a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Eligible applicants must be residing in California, Oregon, or Washington. The deadline to apply is May 28th. More details here.
This provides $1,000 to students who are children of WACOPS members. Applicants must demonstrate academic excellence. One letter of recommendation is also required. The deadline to apply is May 31st. More details here.
TMCF Sanofi Next Gen Scholarship awards up to $15,000 to students attending one of TMCF’s member-schools. Applicants must send a two minute video answering a statement. The deadline to apply is May 17th. More details here.
This provides $2,000 towards professional mentorship, education expenses, and internship opportunities. Applicants must be enrolled full-time, attending power engineering courses and a GPA of at least 3.0. The deadline to apply is June 30th. More details here.
This awards $5,000 for school expenses and an IEEE Student membership for a year. Applicants must be considering a career in electric power and energy engineering, working towards an electrical engineering bachelor’s degree, and have a current GPA of 3.0 or higher. The deadline to apply is June 30th. More details here.
This gives $5,000 to women who plan to pursue a career in transportation. Applicants must have a GPA of at least 3.0. Examples of eligible fields of study are transportation engineering, planning, finance, or logistics. The deadline to apply is June 30th. More details here.
This gives $5,000 to female graduate students who plan to pursue a career in transportation. Applicants must have a GPA of at least 3.0. Examples of eligible fields of study are transportation engineering, planning, finance, or logistics. The deadline to apply is June 30th. More details here.
This provides financial support to students attending a community college in Washington and are transferring to the University of Washington. Applicants must have earned at least 36 credits, demonstrate community involvement and been accepted into the University of Washington. The deadline to apply is July 3rd. More details here.
Eleanor Davis Pinkham Scholarship offers $3,000 to Roosevelt high school students who are planning to enroll at the University of Washington. Applicants must display financial need, involvement in their high school community and academic success. The deadline to apply is July 1st. More details here.
This offers financial aid to students who are single parents. Applicants must be at least 21 years old. The deadline to apply is July 14th. More details here.
This awards up to $7,500 to students attending one of TMCF’s member-schools. Applicants must send a two minute video answering a statement. The deadline to apply is July 28th. More details here.
This awards up to $5,000 to students attending one of TMCF’s member-schools. Applicants must send a two minute video answering a statement. The deadline to apply is July 28th. More details here.
This provides $1,000 to HBCU students who are attending a post-secondary institution in Washington or California. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. One letter of recommendation and a resume must be submitted as well. The deadline to apply is July 31th. More details here.
This awards $500 per year to students that are interested in the field of structural welding. Applicants must be enrolled at a WABO registered community or technical college. The deadline to apply is October 11th. More details here.
This awards up to $7,500 each semester for up to eight consecutive semesters. Applicants must be attending a public high school governed by a school district. The deadline is December 1st. More details here.
Deadlines Vary
This provides multiple scholarships to incoming Boise State University students. Applicants can’t receive multiple scholarships together. Scholarships will be given based on financial need and academic success. The deadline to apply for the Fall semester is February 15th and October 1st for the Spring semester. More details here.
This awards $1,000 to students who are members of The American Legion Boys Nation program. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and meet the age requirements listed. The deadline to apply has not been announced. More details here.
This gives various scholarships to students seeking a career in the healthcare field. The amount of financial aid awarded is usually between $500 and $2,000. Additional requirements may be listed per scholarship. Deadline varies. More details here.
This awards high school graduate students various amounts of financial support. Applicants must express interest and talent in the visual arts. One letter of recommendation must be submitted with the application. Deadline varies. More details here.
This offers multiple scholarships between $500-$5,000 to students pursuing a career in science or engineering. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and community involvement. The deadline to apply varies. More details here.
This provides multiple scholarships to students who are diagnosed with tourettes. Applicants must be planning to attend a post-secondary institution and reside in the eligible states. The deadlines vary. More details here.
This offers partial payment of student loans for individuals enrolling in service up to 15%. Applicants must enlist for at least six years, have attained high school diploma and qualify for specific military occupations.The deadline vary. More details here.
This provides multiple financial aid opportunities such as University of Washington Diversity Scholarship to incoming and attending students. Applicants must be enrolling or planning to enroll at the University of Washington. Additional requirements may appear depending on the scholarship. Deadlines vary. More details here.
This gives multiple scholarships to female students residing in Jefferson County, Washington. Additional requirements such as majoring in a specific field may appear depending on the scholarship. The deadline to apply varies. More details here.
This provides financial support to Washington students. Students may potentially receive full tuition coverage. Applicants must submit their FAFSA application and demonstrate financial need. The grant will appear on the FAFSA application if eligible. More details here.
This provides multiple scholarships ranging from $2,000 to $10,000 to Washington residents. Applicants must be planning to attend a post-secondary institution. Additional requirements vary depending on the scholarship offered. The deadline varies per scholarship. More details here.
This offers exchange students discounted rates for classes and programs outside their resident state. Further requirements may apply and applicants must check their eligibility using the WUE savings finder provided. Deadline varies. More details here.

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